

smooth, unique, mesmerizing
falling down onto
the cold cobblestone street
no care, no logic, no idea.

-Corbin Jantzer

Life and Baseball

Life and baseball are nearly the same
The highs, the lows.
The balls,the strikes.
The grounders,the pop flies.
You live by the day not by the week.
Baseball is played by the pitch
The last pitch is forgotten.
Success is the lock hard work is the key.
Open the door to life
and you will be surprised at what you see.

-Marcus Woods

My Friend

My friend is someone I can turn to when my spirit needs a lift.
My friend is someone I treasure, for our friendship is a gift.
My friend is someone who fills my life with beauty, joy and grace.
My friend makes the world I live in a better and happier place.



You are waiting for the time of day,
but the time of day does not come,
your last breath is just around the corner,
yet you refuse to move forward,
10,414 seconds,
until the time of day,
where the breath will just slip away,
as you look away,
Seconds, minutes, hours, and days,
are made up to the time of day,
that you never track again,
you gaze out at the sky,
as if it’s where you’re supposed to be,
always planning for that day,
when you can say you’re happy,
you spent so long hoping,
that you may as well be blind,
since you won’t see until the end,
all you had was left behind,
now I know it’s journey,
but i think you mapped it out,
the only way to happiness,
Is what you have now.

-Lauren Abbruscato

Winter Chorus

The fog delivers a devotion kiss followed from the past,
soft winter crystals dance across the deep blue sky,
tangled heavenly like the stars in the abyss above,
frosted forest covers the courage in the voice of the chorus.

-Lauren Abbruscato


I sit agitated, fidgeting.
You ask if anything is wrong, but if I told you, you would laugh.
Say I’m over exaggerating-
But that’s the point.
I’m me.
I get anxiety over the smallest things.
Well small for you.
Butterflies reside inside my abdomen at all times.
I can’t remember a time they went on vacation, or had a sick day.
I just remember the constant flutter, and the constant sickness.
I come back to reality, you still concerned.
Your eyes lock with mine, searching for meaning, searching for a smile.
So I force one.
You return it.
You walk away.
Glow slips off my face, disappearing into the drain.
Then history repeats itself-
I sit agitated, fidgeting.

Kiah Ford

As your name pops up my heart skip a beet.
Thoughts racing through my mind,
Is it just streaks, does he actually want to talk, or am I making a big deal out of nothing again.
I instantly click and open what you sent me.
Hearing my heart shatter in my chest I realize that it is nothing, just another mistake I made about you.
A hot tear makes its way from my eye, rolling down my cheek and falling to the ground. I should know by now that I am nothing to you but just another name on your screen.

-Ashley Nielsen

Down in the Forest

Among the trees there’s a girl,
Lost in a sea of green,
Trying to find the path home,
So she wouldn’t be alone
Don’t go, they called
Stay with us and have some fun
She ignored their calls,
Took a step towards home,
And hoped it was the right one.

-Maddie Hughes

The sun went down, the night came
Rain tapped the roof
Singing a lullaby for me to sleep.


Rylee Gee

I wrote these poems from boredom. I would take inspiration from video games and weather, as well as from class.

A tangy web of hate and love.
A crash of time.
A kiss, a shove.
The beast of gold the winter murder.
The twisted street doesn’t travel any further.
A wish, it struggles to find its way.
To follow a curse, to hate and pray.
Sharp devotion dissolved by journe.
A whisper of black oceansoft in the morning.
A sour soul cast from heaven.
A warning to follow, never forgiven.


The Moon…
The night eye…
Always watching…
Always there…
Dark and Light…
Through the night.

It's tears…
The ocean…
The waves…
The tide…
The Fear…
The Pride.
All Alone…
It travels…
The night…
The dark…
No man's land…
Upside down…
In a sky of no direction.



Seaweed Mystery
The creatures that clear harm’s path
The last sea dragon


Animals that box
Lots of bark AND lots of bite
Extreme bear punching


Lonely black mailbox
Letters unread, untaken
A lost love long gone


Rocky mountain high
Bright rivers like blue ribbons
A road wide open


Plans to end society
Secrets of the spy


When life was sweetest
And her smile was happy
I could live in peace


The blank page mocks me
The ink stains like a tattoo


A gaggle of geese
Their formation in arrow
To the deep deep south


Fortune was not hers
Her cookie was long long gone
Eating accident


My windswept hairdo
The hairspray undoing
All tangled and dry


Sky Dew in the clouds
was impossible to fly
And she still flew


Sky Dew
She stepped into the water
And smiled
And moved forward
And let the water rise higher and higher
And her head descend
And her feet continue
To her very own place
Where only she knows
A secret place
Where she could fly.


Deprædantes Pupillos
A barrel, ready to burst
Sides aching
Hands trembling
Eyes brown and black
A descent to red
Tears forming
Pure confusion
True depression
Leaving trails
Down her pale cheeks


A north face
Golden strips
Yellow confetti on a mountainside
One line
Split into two
Then to three
Relying on complicated systems
Viens pointing to the sky


Can you hear it?
The leaves, dancing
The grass, playing
The wind, whistling
Sweet lullabies of the season


I wish...
I wish I were able to...
Sail the starlight
Weave the clouds
Paint the wind
Catch the sun
Drink the moon
Sew the leaves
Sing the waves
Challenge the fire.


The Night Whistler
It’s lifelike cloak of pattern and scheme
Is so much more than a mere fiction dream

A man, a woman, an invisible mystery
Is known by all as mystical history

It walks the street, it’s heels, they click
An echo, a whistle, an unlit wick


Was the monster,
Bloody claws,
The hypnotic sound
Up down
Up down
Up down,
Covered him
Like a soft blanket.


The Dreamless
He felt consciousness
like a heavy blanket
A dim envelope
He was sure that the enthusiasm
Then groundless
Was intact

All bad things flood in threes
But how do good things come?
In pairs, like love?
In fours, like supports on a table?
In thirteens, a misunderstood number
Morphed from good to bad by passage of the human mind
Are they sprinkled in like spring showers.

If bad things come in threes
Then something would have to separate the groups
Neutral couldn’t separate them
It wouldn’t make sense…
There is always neutral
During bad
During good
Neutral is always there
So how do you separate the bad?
No one knows
No one may ever know

Though, does the bad always come in threes?
Or did we just make an excuse
An excuse to complain about our horrible lives
That never work like we want
I mean
I am doing it right now
This rant leads to something
Something way more complex

Unfortunately for you, this terrible rant
Has gone on longer than planned
For three stanzas actually
I won’t waste your time with useless problems
I bet by now,
Nobody is reading
You are skimming the lines,
Right now
Skipping lines, Ignoring them
Just like we all do…
To our happy moments
The author...
His typewriter
His thoughts
His keys
They click

All spring
His thoughts
All season
They stick

He paces
This thoughts
His feet
He thunders

A flash
His thoughts
An idea?
He wonders

His pencil
His thoughts
They scratch
They scritch

A man
His thoughts
A storm
The pitch

All black
His thoughts
The ink
The stain

The shaking
His thoughts
The ceiling
No name

The rage
His thoughts
The room
No time

The wind
His thoughts
The doubt
The shrine

A face
In the dark, stares
back at me, no hate, no
fear, just a stare, the fire in
its eyes, the inexistent glare,
my confusion grows its breath
glows, as the cold mist fades
to glass, my heart pounds in
sync, with the creaking in the
dark, the face stares, still there
I blink, but it doesn’t, it just stares
No body, no origin just the glance of
A single head, a face, a ghost, a man
But is it a man, I don’t know, a
Child or just a soul, that
Spends its time in the
Land, World, galaxy, it
Just wanders, listening,
It moves, its mouth opens
A noise rises from the ground
A bellowing ring, it screams
A shriek that changes
A shriek...
That lives.


deprædantes pupillos-- The Fatherless, in latin

Arbor-- Tree, in latin

Esnes-- Sense backwards

I am a Pencil
Noah Hogan

I am a pencil
I start out new
I am unpunctured.
I am used by people every day
I make mistakes when being used
The words and sentences get better with time.
I do great things
Some are appreciated
Some are not appreciated.
As time passes
I shrink and shrink
I am made of wood.
I get sharpened
And I get used every day
This repeats each day over and over.
My life is coming to an end
I am almost to the point in my life
When I will be gone for good never to return.
I am a pencil
A standard wood pencil
Always to become an item in the trash.
I am a pencil
This is my life as a pencil
This is my purpose as a pencil.

The Unknown
The unknown lays hidden in the darkness.
Covered with a mask, hiding his identity.
Standing alone, I stare at him,
Looking into his eyes, I see the evil in them.

Clenching my hands, I back away slowly.
He follows.
I move faster now.
I turn around and soon my walk turns to a sprint.

His footsteps follow, getting louder and louder, closer and closer.
Glancing back, his black mask approaching me.
His face still unseen.
Then the footsteps stop.

I feel the grasp of his hands on my neck,
The warm mist from his breath,
I hear his voice, echoing inside me.
I taste the salt from my tears, rolling down my face.

I Wish I were a Bumblebee
Paige Machemer

I wish I were a bumblebee,
happiness is key.
Small and yellow,
calm and mellow.
Entering flowers,
after spring showers.
I wish I were a bumblebee-
nothing would ever bother me.

The Legend
Lebron James
Athletic, championship worthy, and unique.
Wins championships like an everyday job,
and is on the court 24/7, not tired, never slacking,  
and never giving up.

-Mitchell Eames

The Frost of Sadness
The town struggled through the year long winter,
where the streets were forever covered in a desert of snow.
And where the people huddled in their homes,
smoke blowing from the chimney into the frigid air above.
It was a place where the weather defined the town and its people, and it stayed in its never changing sadness.
And where the sadness kissed the lives of all who dared to settle there.
On the rare occasion one might try to journey, to feed their soul to a life beyond the quivering cold,
but the cold whispered through miles of land,
Keeping people from the soft romantic land that they wished they had.


protect the peace.
They don’t
hate blacks,
but I
hate the lack
of respect
that they get.
They should
get more
just for
what they do
for you.


When I Say...

When I say I'm sorry
for the mistakes I have
made. Please forgive me
when I say forever.
Know I will never forget
when I say good bye .
I will still stay by
your side
I’ve hurt you,
you’ve hurt me.
So when I say
I’ve made many mistakes,
believe me, you were never one of them.

By Maddie Perez


Race, jump, spike
get ready to fight.
Don’t dream and don’t dance,
just hit it nice.
Don’t hit it low but hit it high,
and if you miss don’t cry because this is volleyball and that doesn’t slide.

Bounce, smash, score,
make the other team roar.
Dribble, run and walk and succeed to play more.

Broken Shell
We walk along beaches in search for something magical
Something only the ocean can provide
A gorgeous shell covered in colors that make us forget we were staring
We search and search for the shells that are still whole
The ones without the missing pieces
The ones without the small little cracks
Which is unrealistic
You find more broken shells than full shells than full ones
Isn't that like the earth we are standing on?
We find more people with problems than people without
So why don't we pick them up?
Are the broken ones not good enough?
You can't fix the broken shells, so you leave them alone
You ignore them
Become disappointed when you think you’ve found a whole one but you've just pulled out half a shell
Broken shells are more beautiful
They have been hit over and over again by the waves of life
And left with some scars
But their colors are still the same
The colors haven't changed
So I challenge you not to be disappointed in a broken shell
Because you don't know what it has been through
And to me that is more beautiful than a shell that has all its pieces

By Jayden Johnson

A Person to Count on
From the moment I came to be,
She was right there with me.

From the bad times to the good,
she always told me I could.

Always helping me through life,
telling me what I should do.

Always when I need someone to cry on,
helping me get through.

It’s sometimes hard to put into words,
just what i’d like to say.

But just know I will always love you ,
every day.


1.Testing, I’d rather be resting              
2.It makes me yawn and frown
3.So when I’m done I put my head down
4.I know this, I know this
5.This question I see
6.But the answer is just not coming to me
7.I have to breathe, breathe very deep
8.So I can calm down and not fall asleep
9.I’m getting anxious, anxious to finish
10.But I really need to just be patient
11.I’m almost done, I’m on 23, just a couple more to go
12.Then I’m free
-Olivia Sears   

The Reflection I Seek
Beauty is the reflection I seek.
Beauty above, beauty below.
Beauty to the right.
Beauty to the left.
Beauty in front of me.
Beauty behind me.
I speak only beautiful words.
I think only beautiful thoughts.
I hear only beautiful sounds.
Beauty is the reflection I seek.

-Sarah Schaller


The Boy in Front of Me

The boy in front of me is strong while I'm weak.
The boy in front of me cares when there seems to be no hope.
The boy in front of me loves when I'm unlovable.
The boy in front of me trusts when there is no need to.
The boy in front of me stood beside me when I was weak, when I stopped caring, when I was unlovable, when I couldn't trust.
The boy in front of me was always weak, never cared, has never loved, and never trusted.
The girl behind the boy gave the him the strength to stand tall, and be what everyone needed him to be.
The girl behind the boy.

by Maddie Perez

The frozen flakes.                   
Softly, gently
from the dense
fluffy clouds,
levitating in the sky.

Crafting a
freezing paperwhite
overlaying the
lime green
-Cooper Francy

The First Pitch

Watch as the yellow sphere
With red stitches
Bounces off the metal stick
As it flies over the dirt
As it goes past and rolls into the grass
Everything counts
Every single play
Because you control the game

Rolling everlasting,
never stopping,
over bumps,
under bridges,
through lush forests.
Over dry crackling deserts
always going,never stopping.

- Ethan Heffern


Time running down.                                                
Slowing down the ball.
Looking up at the clock.
Breathing heavily. Sweating.
Passing around the ball, thinking about
The buzzer beater I’m going to hit.
Standing. Conserving energy.
Turning, seeing all my friends on the
bench freaking out.
Smiling. Laughing. Taunting.
Focusing. Dribbling the clock
Focused locked in.
Setting up a play for me to
hit the game winner.
Looking up at the clock.
The score 54 to 56.
The other team is winning.
One quick crossover to make the
defender fall.
Thinking. Prasing. Making space.
Setting up for the three pointer,
like Steph Curry.
Jumping. Praying. Wondering.
I kiss the ceiling. My shot form
is perfect.
Eye on the basket.
The ball released from my hand
with a perfect rotation.
Gasps. Buzzer. Cheering.
The buzzer sounds. Fans holding
their breathes.
-Isaac Perez

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